RAD-PBRA Residents

Information for Residents of RAD-PBRA Communities

Rental Payments - RAD-PBRA

RAD-PBRA residents are encouraged to make rental payments online or have options to continue to drop off payments in the form of a money order at our secure drop box location at the Admin Office located at 2627 North King Ave. Lutcher, LA 70071. Or you can mail payments to P.O. BOX 280, Lutcher, LA 70071.
RAD-PBRA - pay rent online
  • Convent Trace
    6226 Rev. Thomas Scott St.
    Convent, LA 70723
  • Central Crossing
    9183 Central Crossing Sr.
    Convent, LA 70723

Project Based Rental Assistance

Policy & Plans

Click below on the links to view or download the information.
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Project Based Rental Assistance

Resident Forms

For your convenience, we have made some common housing forms available for your use. Click below on the links to view or download forms.
COVID Resident Needs Assessment

COVID-19 related needs, support and health assessment form for the residents of SJPHA.

COVID Needs Form (PDF)

Project Based Rental Assistance

Important Notices & Updates

Click below on the links to view or download the information.
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Notices & Updates

At SJPHA we care about the safety of our residents, staff, partners and the communities we serve and we are taking the threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously. We will continue to follow the guidance from our Governor’s Office, Center for Disease Control (CDC), Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as remain in coordination with our local governing officials to make sure we have the most up to date information to provide for you.
COVID-19 Phasing Plan (PHASE 3)

SJPHA will be open to the public BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and will adhere to the attached procedures until further notice.

Phase 3 - Phasing Plan (PDF)
COVID-19 Resident Flyer

COVID-19 prevention, who is at risk, ways to socially distance and how to protect you and your family.

COVID Resident Flyer (PDF)
COVID-19 Phasing Plan (PHASE 2)

SJPHA will be open to the public BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and will adhere to the attached procedures until further notice.

Phase 2 - Phasing Plan (PDF)
COVID-19 Resident Notice

As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues, the PHA is taking measures to limit in-person interactions.

COVID Resident Notice {PDF)
COVID-19 Resident Newsletter

St. James Parish Housing Authority Newsletter - COVID-19 edition, Information about work orders and rent payment.

Resident Newsletter (PDF)
COVID-19 Phasing Plan (PHASE 1)

SJPHA will be open to the public BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and will adhere to the attached procedures until further notice.

Phase 1 - Phasing Plan (PDF)